For the three-year duration of their studies, Ph.D. candidates can be supported by monthly scholarships of € 1.400 (tax free, fees waived). The amount depends on the proposed research topic and on the type of scholarship.
Scholarships are granted from the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), from Politecnico di Milano, from companies, or from the Department on research project funds.
The number of available scholarships in the Ph.D. IT programme ranges between 80 and 120 per year.
1400€ / Month (Tax free)
3 years
Want to apply?
Access to all Ph.D. programmes is by public calls. Various calls are issued every year.
Types of scholarships
Every year the Ministry of University and Research (MUR) grants the Ph.D. IT programme several open subject scholarships to support fundamental research topics in Computer Science and Engineering, Electronics, Systems and Control, and Telecommunications.
Recipients of open subject scholarships should find an advisor and agree on a research topic within the first two months of the Ph.D. career.
Politecnico di Milano issues a number of interdisciplinary scholarships every year to support research on topics involving two different doctoral programmes. The topic of the scholarship is pre-defined. Recipients of interdisciplinary scholarships are advised by one supervisor for each involved doctoral programme.
The Department of Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering may issue other open subject scholarships as well as thematic ones. Thematic Ph.D. scholarships can be proposed by any professor at DEIB and financed through his/her research funds. Since research funds may originate from European research projects (Horizon, ERC, etc.), government grants (PRIN, Regione, etc.), or research contracts with other universities, public institutions, and private companies, the topic of research and the expected results and achievements are generally bound to the underlying agreement financing the Ph.D.
Industrial Ph.D. scholarships are funded directly by external companies under an agreement with the doctoral programme, with the purpose of developing a research doctor who investigates and explores a specific project or topic, working to quickly translate the results of the research into value for the organisation. The Ph.D. research project is carried out in collaboration with the external company, under the joint supervision of both an internal and an external supervisor.
Additional thematic scholarships may be (totally or partially) financed by special supporting programs, such as the “Programma Operativo Nazionale (PON) – Ricerca e Innovazione” (supported by React-EU), or the “Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR)” (supported by NextGenerationEU). Such scholarships may have additional requirements. Be sure to check the available information.
Every year a few extra Ph.D. positions are reserved without scholarship.

International Programs
The Ph.D. programme in IT includes positions for students supported by foreign institutional scholarships. Ph.D.candidates must contact a professor at DEIB willing to act as a possible advisor. The Ph.D. candidate is evaluated by the Ph.D. vice-chair of the research area and by the proposed advisor and approved by the Faculty Board. Upon acceptance, the Ph.D. programme will send a pre-invitation letter to the Ph.D. candidate for the financing institution.
DSU grants
Politecnico di Milano offers Student Aid Benefits and grants for students enrolled in Ph.D. programmes, also to support those that do not have a scholarship. Details for application are available here.
Tuition fees are due for the enrolment to each year of the Ph.D. programme. The amount of tuition fees (regional fee, stamp duties, and insurance costs) is established yearly. It is currently around 170€. For Ph.D. candidates with a scholarship, the tuition fees are withheld each year from the first monthly grant.